The HB Acupuncture Outwood clinic provides treatment at 7, Bletchingley close, Merstham, Redhill, Surrey RH1 3PL. The clinic is easily accessible from the surrounding area, including Outwood.
Considering acupuncture for the first time? If so, it is safe, holistic and drug-free. Also, it is a very natural approach to your healthcare needs. Acupuncture treats multiple conditions. It’s an efficient way of restoring and maintaining your general well being. Moreover, why not de-stress from the pressures of your fast-paced daily life using this amazing tool.
The Clinic near Outwood in Surrey is a very calm and relaxing environment. You will be able to leave your worries at the door and moreover, make a positive change in your life.
This website will hopefully answer all your questions. However, please get in touch if you have any further queries. A FREE 10-minute chat is available to you to discuss your specific condition(s) and your suitability for Acupuncture treatment.
If I am unable to answer your call immediately I will return it as soon as possible. However, out of hours or on weekends and holidays, please leave a message. Please briefly describe your condition and leave your contact details. Again, I will get back to you as soon as possible.
Acupuncture Outwood Specialist Training:
Fertility Treatment is available. Moreover, cosmetic acupuncture and adjunct therapies can be provided at the clinic.
What Clients say…
Migraines treated by Heidi improved greatly along with my general well being. Excellent advice on lifestyle changes makes you feel at ease when provided by a highly skilled therapist.
Acupuncture Outwood:
You can obtain directions to our clinic using the interactive map below. Locating the clinic should be easy, but please give me a call should you need assistance.
Please note that the HB Acupuncture Outwood Clinic only accepts Cash or Cheque.